
About Neal Cyr

Neal has over 10 years of experience working in Pricing and Revenue Management. Before co-founding Quibble, he founded and sold a SaaS revenue management company for airlines. He has worked on some of the field's biggest challenges including real-time forecasting, dynamic pricing, and optimizing personalized offers.

The Case Against Last-Minute Discounting

The Case Against Last-Minute Discounting What's on this page: > Introduction > Airlines vs STR’s > Why Don’t Airlines Discount Last Minute > Why do STR’s Discount Last Minute > How to Turn Off your [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-06-26T13:45:50+00:00June 26th, 2024|Pricing|Comments Off on The Case Against Last-Minute Discounting

Price Sensitivity for STRs

Price Sensitivity for STRs What's on this page: > Introduction > Price Elasticity of Demand > Inelastic Demand and Elastic Demand > STR Demand Type: Elastic or Inelastic > Segmentation > Results > [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-06-04T18:18:53+00:00June 4th, 2024|Pricing|Comments Off on Price Sensitivity for STRs

Improving your pricing with NLP

Improving your Pricing with NLP What's on this page: > Introduction > What is NLP? > Training vs Buying a Model > Training > Pipeline and Integration > How Reviews Impact Choice > [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-05-13T20:29:38+00:00April 23rd, 2024|Pricing|Comments Off on Improving your pricing with NLP

Introducing Search Based Comp Sets

Introducing Search Based Comp Sets Introduction Back when I was pricing flights in the airline industry, my VP used to tell me “You can only be as good as your dumbest competitor.”  The strong implication was, that if your competitor [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-05-13T20:39:40+00:00March 20th, 2024|Pricing, Strategy|Comments Off on Introducing Search Based Comp Sets

Introducing quibble Bookable Search™

Introducing quibble Bookable Search™ Search Data in Short-Term Rentals and Vacation Homes I. Introduction Marketing and pricing professionals are always looking for powerful data sets to help them make better decisions.  Knowing who or how many people are [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-05-13T20:42:12+00:00March 13th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Introducing quibble Bookable Search™

How Optimization Models Work

How Optimization Models Work Our previous article was a detailed exploration of how Base Price Models work.  That is a good place to start if you want to understand the industry standard pricing model for the short-term rental industry.  I went [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-05-28T06:39:21+00:00December 20th, 2023|Pricing|Comments Off on How Optimization Models Work

How Base Price Models Work

How Base Price Models Work Base price models are currently the industry standard in dynamic pricing for short-term rentals.  The primary reason this model is so popular is that it is simple and scalable.  It is simple regarding the math involved [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-05-21T00:54:49+00:00October 5th, 2023|Pricing|Comments Off on How Base Price Models Work

Revenue Opportunity

Revenue Opportunity Revenue managers have a finite amount of daily time to make decisions.  Each decision they make should improve the probability of increased revenue, and they must spend that time efficiently to have the most significant possible impact on revenue [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-05-13T21:21:00+00:00October 11th, 2022|Revenue Management, Strategy|0 Comments

Pricing a New Vacation Rental Property

Pricing a New Vacation Rental Property 🏁 Getting new properties As a property manager, growing your inventory is one of the primary drivers of increasing your company's revenue. However, attracting these properties is a unique endeavor of its own. So [...]

By Neal Cyr|2024-05-13T21:20:32+00:00June 15th, 2022|Pricing|0 Comments
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