
About R. Pecunia

Gustavo Rivera Pecunia is Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Quibble. With over a decade of successful experience in business systems and data analytics, Gustavo specializes in open source technologies, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. A firm believer in the power of systems in the workplace, he regularly develops software to assist nonprofit organizations with effective management techniques.

Could there be a strategy behind my cancellation policy?

Which cancellation policy should you choose? Cancellations are never fun. Historically the vacation rental industry has enjoyed a host-friendly cancellation policy structure. It is common for property managers and homeowners to use strict cancellation policies giving traveling guests little to no flexibility. Naturally, the cancellation [...]

By R. Pecunia|2023-04-04T10:55:38+00:00October 14th, 2020|Revenue Management, Strategy|0 Comments
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